Monday, September 30, 2013

Los Pollos Hermanos

Los Pollos Hermanos - The Chicken Brothers.

Trevor and I are big fans of the TV show Breaking Bad.  When coming up with a name and sticker design we were inspired by....

We plan on plastering these stickers all over central and south america.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Final Countdown

Departure date:   Friday, October 4, 2013.

Trevor and I are busy doing the final bit of maintenance and packing.  We are both very excited!   I am glad we are leaving when we are, the days are getting shorter and colder!  Frost is common in the mornings.   Soon we will be on the road and posts will become more frequent.

Rear Subframe Repair

Last weekend’s ride did a number to both of our bikes.  Trevor’s bike subframe failed around the welds.  The welds themselves were ok just the thinner frame material failed. 
My bike was doing ok until I went down on the gravel.  The subframe is clearly bent and there are gapping holes were the rack attached.  Not quite straight.
No turning back now! 
We used some DOM tubing and some massive gussets to strengthen the area. This is overkill but hopefully we will not have to mess with it down the road.  More information under the motorcycle & Equip Tab.
 Added front braces off the passenger foot pegs. Will add a light brace around license plate.
Like a pro!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Test ride continued.

We left early this morning, the dust was minimal on the Trunk Road due to the rain overnight and there was next to no traffic.  We headed south, destination Sundry, Alberta.
We did some decent off road riding to get to a viewpoint. This time it was my turn to find some water. I crested a hill with little time to brake and plowed through a large puddle.   Kyle noticed the cloud of steam from the exhaust and managed to slow down in time.  My boots were full and the rest of me was soaked!
Soon after we headed out I took the lead. After a few minutes of riding I decided to look back and Kyle was no where to be seen. After waiting that dreaded minute wondering what where he was and what happened and how bad it was going to be I turned around and found Kyle lying in the ditch with with our newly welded case torn off the bike. 

Looked like it got a little squirrley..  After going down at approx 80km/h Kyle was unhurt.  The racks... well they need some more thought.  IMG_0146
Red Deer River Ranch! IMG_0154
Stayed the night here thanks to Cherilyn! Drove home the next day to Edmonton again.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Test Ride 2 (August)

Its Saturday night and we have just spent every evening this week working on the bike racks in an attempt test out our design and gear.  Yeah we wanted to leave Friday night... or even saturday morning.  Oh well.  At least the racks are done.
Homemade racks for the pelican side cases.
Ready to hit the road.  Pumped for the first bike/ camping trip!
After a late ride through swarms of bugs and blinding rain we wake up to this.  (South of Edson, just off the "infamous" forest trunk road).
It gonna be a good long weekend!

Test Ride 1 (July 2013)

Summer is flying by!   We have done a few modifications to the bikes and we are both eager to test them out.  The destination: some jeep trails near Rocky Mountain House, Alberta.
After a three hour ride through some light rain we reach the trail head.   Its the Monday of the long weekend, most people are heading home and we have the trail pretty much to ourselves.
I managed to get ourselves a little lost trying to find a particular trail, getting frustrated with our lack of progress I drove my bike straight into this mud hole without first testing how deep it was.   Whoops!
Without hesitation Trevor waded in to help push my bike out.  Cant say I would have done the same! Haha  I would have at least got a photo.  At this point I was dead in the water.... Literally.  The bike was stalled and I didnt dare turn it over.
We started removing parts in an attempt to drain some water.  At this point we realize how unprepared we are.  We only have the stock Suzuki tool kit!  Crap!    I drained a bunch of water from the air box and was concerned that the air filter was soaked.  The supplied Philips was too big.   Trevor's belt buckle ended up being the perfect size.  What are the chances.
We continued along until we came across this huge wash out.
We managed to skirt the outside edge.  Photos don't do it justice.
Its all part of the adventure


Trevor and I (Kyle) will be using the blog to keep track of our progress, share photos and stories from our motorcycle trip this coming fall 2013.