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We spent most of the morning on the phone. Kyle had to cancel his debit and a MasterCard due to card skimming. We also both changed our flights. Now we are leaving from Buenos Aires in February.
We motored down the road stopping for lunch and some fresh fruit from a roadside vendor.
Road was a little crazy to the border. Loads of big trucks driving in the middle of the road which meant lots of passing on the shoulder if there was any.
Dec 28, 2013 Huaquillas, Ecuador to Lambayeque, Peru 500km
The border was very straight forward and organized. It was the main crossing on the Panamerican Highway. Kyle got whistled at by one of the policeman for Jwalking... since when. Border cost was: insurance... $35 each! Ouch. Just as we were leaving Edwin and Mirjam pull up. They are a dutch couple that took the boat with us in Panama/ Columbia.
We couldn't believe they all fit. As they drove off they said "welcome to Peru" with big smiles.
We took off and stopped in the first town to pull out some of the Peruvian currecny (soles). It took us about 1.5hrs to find a bank that would work. Oh well. We are set for awhile now.
We continue on the Panamerican highway. We want to make some miles. We recently realized that we only have 7 weeks left. The highway followed the ocean closely for the first 100 or so kms.
Away from the coast poverty is more prevalent and the land is harsh and dry. We motored on, dodging various farm animals (sheep, pigs and donkeys) all of who think they own the road! We drove through a particular uninhabited section and hit reserve just as we pulled into the next town.
Long day but it feels good to get some miles under our belts.
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